1 year ago

This is an unprecedented horror show. The worse in medical history. This is a grotesque human tragedy. Believe nothing you are being told. It’s all a pack of lies. Pure propaganda. This is a pandemic of fear that is intentionally driven by 2 major factors. The notorious PCR test and the viciously effective silence of any counter narrative. The PCR test creates over 95% false positives in perfectly well people. You are being lied to. The truth is being brutally silenced from the 3 sources you rely upon for your own independant judgement: the politicians, the media and physicians. Particular MDs with their cowardly silence have decided to put income ahead of ethics. The ethics we physicians are supposed to adhere to: first do no harm and informed consent.

The mandates are ludicrous and have no doubt consensus for effectiveness in the medical literature. I’m talking about the masks, social distancing, travel bans and lockdowns. They haven’t worked and will not work. It’s just politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.

They’ve dressed themselves in the flag that only they can protect you from life’s risks. It can’t be done.

We must relate to them with little doses of the cheapest, most effective medicine there is COMMON SENSE.

You shouldn’t be forced to put your life on the line, and your child’s life on the line by getting vaxxed just to solve the problem Fauci created with his lies and mistakes. That is government tyranny and indescribably offensive. So for God’s sake don’t let them scare you into being vaxxed. Tell them to STOP THE SHOT!

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