Relaxation Technique | 61 Point

1 year ago

61 Point Relaxation

This technique comes from Stephen Laberges book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” and can be found in more detail there.

Begin by taking some time studying the figure on screen. To do this exercise you will have to memorize the sequence of points but don’t worry it is a simple pattern and should be easy.

Once you have this sequence memorize bring you awareness to point number one.

Hold your attention there until you feel your awareness of this location is clear and distinct.

Imagine your entire self being at this point.

You should feel a sense of warmth and heaviness at this point.

Repeat this process for each point moving slowly and deliberately through

Do not allow your mind to wander

If find that your mind has wandered and you’ve lost your place gently return to point number 1 and begin again.

It may be beneficial for you to do this exercise with only half the points at first until you feel more ease in doing this.

If you do only do half at first be sure to extend to all 61 points once you are able to move through all of the first half mindfully

Music Credit

Pathway Home by Roa |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

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