Woman Rescued After Surviving For 140 Hours Beneath The Rubble

2 years ago

This is the moment a woman trapped beneath a collapsed building gets pulled from the rubble by rescuers in Turkey.

The woman, reportedly named Ceylan Hanim, was found by rescuers after being stuck for 140 hours in Hatay, one of the 10 Turkish provinces devastated by the earthquake.

In a video obtained by Newsflash from the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, emergency crews can be seen moving Ceylan out of the rubble on a makeshift carrier.

She appears to be wearing a neck brace while the rest of her is covered with a large blanket to keep warm.

The mayor of Turkey's capital city of Ankara, Mansur Yavas, said in a short statement obtained by Newsflash: "We met Ceylan Hanim at the 140th hour. Let your hands not be troubled, heroes."

A 7.7-magnitude and 7.6-magnitude earthquakes struck Turkey on 6th February.

As per the latest update by the Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency, 31,643 have died and more than 80,000 are injured in Turkey.

Along with the casualties in northern Syria, almost 40,000 people are confirmed dead.

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