God's side.

2 years ago

This is a reading of Mathew chapter 12.

Faith. What can faith do in the presence of the Kingdom of God and eternity which is in those who choose God and his Kingdom? You have choices daily. Make the choice to serve God and his Kingdom and do not disbelieve that God and his Kingdom is in you and that it is the good tree who's fruits are healing the blind, mute, deaf, lame, sick and freeing them from the stronghold of the unclean. What do believe? Do you believe you accepted the free gift of salvation and belong to God and his Kingdom? Good! Now believe the kingdom of God and God and his good fruits you bare. Our faith is little. How can we have more faith!? Through trials we gain faith and experience no doubt. However faith also comes by the word and the word by hearing.

I am your servent. I'm always reachable at Intercessorthe@gmail.com

Bless you with God's wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding in Jesus Christ.

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