World Series Of Poker player Jeff Farnes admits on mic that he's had chest pains since vaxx (2022)

1 year ago

July 2022 at World Series of Poker main event in Las Vegas. Player Jeff Farnes admits on a live microphone that he wished he had never gotten the COVID jab, because "I've been having chest pain ever since I had that thing". "It hardens arteries, I need to go get it checked out".

Jeff (only on camera between 30 and 35 second mark) is talking to the player we see on the left side of the video, whose name is Aaron Duczak.

Aaron says he held out until June of 2022, and then reluctantly got jabbed, because as a foreigner, he couldn't enter the United States without a medical discrimination passport.

Now that's what I call gambling on his part! Russian roulette to be exact.


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