What is here; what is coming

1 year ago

Location: Calgary NW, Alberta, Canada

This particular city like many others has an aggressive smart agenda that includes artificial intelligence, automanous and connected vehicles, big data analytics, geospatial intelligence surveillance, mass sensors... 15 minute prison.

At this cellular site, we measured 6.0 V/m peak signal (maxed out) and up to 29500 uW/m2 power output. The safe levels in terms of biological effects are below 0.5 V/m peak signal and 1000 uW/m2 or less power output (BioInitiative and Building Biology).

The site has several antennas emitting at 2.6 GHz frequency power output of 3698 watts. The higher the power output the more the frequency will have. 3698 watts is on the high side of current deployments.

The North American EMF radiation standards go up to 300 GHz and allow in excess of 76 V/m peak signal. So there is reason to be concerned as to where all this technology is going. Unfortunately, special interests and government are blinded by greed and more control.


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