KARI LAKE receives DEATH threats & Arizona passes HUGE election integrity bill - WUA News - Ep 47

2 years ago

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On today's episode we discuss Kari Lake receiving death threats from a man threatening to drive his jeep into one of her events. We also briefly discuss the controversy around Kari Lake sitting for the "black national anthem" as the leftist media is calling it.

We further delve into the new election legislation being passed in Arizona that will require voting machines to be manufactured from U.S. sourced materials following an investigation that found Chinese involvement in elections and microchips smaller than a human finger tip being inserted onto U.S. motherboards and tech. The new legislation proposed department of defense inspection into the voting machines and that all materials be sourced in the U.S.

Please comment below what you think about Kari Lake? Is Kari Lake striking a nerve with leftists because she is right? Will Kari Lake win in Arizona? Are you waiting for news on Kari Lakes lawsuit & case? Feel free to post any Kari Lake news down below as well!

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