America Is Under An Airborne Toxic Attack

1 year ago

Chinese spy balloons consistently flying over the US as Green lasers from Chinese satellites are spotted over Hawaii. Food production facilities up in flames. Egg production sabotaged. Fuel pipelines causing statewide emergencies in Nevada. Power grids attacked.

All of these multiplying and alarming occurrences consistently relegated to independent reporting. As a soft and silent war creeps among the heartland under the compromised foreign oversight of the Biden New World Order doctrine.

More than 250 trains have derailed in just the last decade. Half of those contained hazardous waste. Two more train derailments were just added to the pile in Texas and South Carolina. 10 days prio, The controlled burn of vinyl chloride in East Palestine, Ohio contains the foul stench of the Corporacratic disregard for human life at the very least.

Regardless that vinyl chloride is combustible and becomes acid rain when it meets water, initially decimating animals and fish. As a hazardous waste specialist described the event as nuking a town to get the trains moving. Lobbyists have successfully seen to it that their trains and an emergency electronic controlled pneumatic brake system carrying the chemicals don't face federal regulations.

As the GRIST reported,"Over the last decade, with the rise of fracking and the subsequent boom in U.S. oil and gas production, fossil fuel companies have turned to plastic production as a way to capitalize on cheap (until recently) oil and gas. Researchers at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries, projected that global plastics production would roughly quadruple from 407 million tonnes a year to 1,600 million tonnes in 2050."

Organized pandemics. Cultural jackbooting. Unyielding and increasing scarcity of food, water and energy. And Airborne Toxic Events make for a perfect storm when subjected to an impending EMP event that would easily drive the masses and imprison those that objected into the Detainment camps built under the guise of illegal immigration and documented in the 2010 Army document 3-39.40.

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