Hilary PORTER PART TWO Experiencer, December 2021 34 36'minutes

2 years ago

This is Part Two of the amalgamated 2013/2020 interview with Hilary Porter who with Ken Parsons, her partner also run BEAMS (British Earth Aerial Mysteries Society).
This interview is a continuation from Part One, and presents a good, overview of some of the major events in Hilary's life. However, for anyone who wants to know the whole story, she has in 2021, written two books, one about her life - The Diaries and Recollections of an Alien Abductee (illustrated), and one about her severely autistic daughter, Sally, called Slipped Through the Net, The Girl Who Could Not Cry, also an abductee.

Hilary reveals the astonishing story of an event that occurred when she worked under The Official Secrets Act for Marconi, Frimley, Surrey, from 1968 to 1974. The event which she reveals almost defies belief, but she was part of the Marconi staff as an Electronic Engineer Draughtswoman....and knew the reality of what happened from those who were part of it.

Her Uncle was the Assistant Director of what used to be called DERA - Defence Establishment Research Agency (now absorbed into QinetiQ). He and his wife had an incredible event in 1980, which was one of those weird anomalies that I imagine remain unknown...but Hilary heard about it from her aunt who gave her a blow by blow account, utterly strange....you will make up your own mind.

Open Verdict by Tony Collins is referenced by Joanna as this book relates to a number of strange deaths occurring around defence establishments, including Marconi. Also, Hilary believes that a car accident was an attempt on her life, after she'd left Marconi...all very strange and unsettling.

Hilary shares several images of different craft she has seen and illustrated. She also talks about flashbacks that brought a memory of an abduction three months prior to the flashback, and is illustrative of the way some abductee's memories are released into the consciousness.

The UK does not have a lot around the animal mutilation scenario, but Hilary believes she was witness to craft landing and real time hearing the animals - horses, in this case in fear and pain. Her calls to the stables were not met with interest, and they refused to hear what she had to say...so you have to wonder why.

Many abductees talk about implants, and Hilary is no different. She shares what effect it causes, and whether she feels it has affected her....

Hilary is also a counsellor, and is happy to speak to fellow experiencers. Sightings and other reporting can be sent in to BEAMS and they have some great material which is well worth a look.

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