Hilary Porter - Life Long Experiencer Part One - Reptilians and more - December 2021 36mins

1 year ago

This interview with artist, author and life time experiencer, HILARY PORTER, who is a part of BEAMS (British Earth, Aerial Mysteries Society), founded by partner and Eklectia Album contributor, KEN PARSONS, is an amalgamation of my first 2013 interview and the follow up 2020 supplementary chat.

This is Part One, in which we follow Hilary's contact, encounters and abductions from babyhood. Some of her experiences are challenging, and she has had a lot of health related issues throughout her life as a direct result of ongoing experimentation by various ET factions. Her interaction has been with several different races of ET.

She lives with her partner, Ken in Farnborough, in the heart of military concerns. There are many bases in the vicinity, and her ex-husband and father worked at the Royal Airforce Establishment, which over time has become absorbed and re worked into the entity known as Qinetic which deals with many aspects of development of things militarily related. Her Uncle was also very high up earlier in the years there, and also had an interesting experience which you'll hear about in Part Two. The whole of the design of this place leaves one questioning, as there is an ET-like craft that is the porch area to the building, and from the air, the layout takes on the look of an alien grey....I wonder why...

Hilary and her ex-husband had a daughter, Sally, who is profoundly autistic, after receiving the MMR jab, and now lives in a special home after Hilary cared for her for 41 years. Sally too, has been subject to abduction by other intelligences on more than one occasion. It seems there is an interest by some faction of these others in certain disabilities.

Hilary shares some astonishing events with us, and also shares that her mother finally, after many years, and in some fear, told Hilary how she would be paralysed or put out (unconscious) whilst baby Hilary was taken, and on more than one occasion, she would have to go searching the local area after Hilary was taken from the home or secure garden, only to be found about half a mile away near the RAF accommodations. Who knows why that would be....strange to leave a toddler sitting on the roadside without any protection...

In this episode, Hilary shares for the first time a secret which she kept since 1964, when her husband, Robert, shared an incident, while working in telemetry, at the RAE in Farnborough hooked up to Woomara in Australia...and how in REAL time, heard some strange language - then the reports of a landed UFO, with two occupants who alighted and made their way over to the launch area, where one of the missiles - perhaps the British Blue Streak was to be launched, and effectively stopped the launch... Interestingly, Jim Templeton who took the picture, known as the Solway Firth Spaceman, in May 1964, where a man in a space suit appears behind his 5 yo daughter...had contact from someone who had seen it and reported that it looked just like the ETs who made an appearance in Woomera.

Hilary shares another secret, which she has spoken of before in Part Two, of her time at Marconi, the weapons creators and how the place had been infiltrated by an alien grey, back in the 70s, before computers were what they are today.

Hilary has since 1980, offered her insights and experiences to help others who are abductees or experiencers and still continues to do that today. Ken has supported Hilary in finally getting her story out there in book form, after at least two attempts magically disappeared inexplicably from her computer....she has also written one about Sally, her daughter....

There is plenty of interesting material here in this 36 minute piece which may well leave you scratching your head and wondering what's it all about? Thanks to Hilary for sharing her story.

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