The West’s attempts to achieve the unachievable in Ukraine, part 2 with Youri Smouter

1 year ago

“On the Barricades” s06e25

This is part two of our two-part monthly release where hosts Boyan and Maria invite Youri Smouter of 1+1 onto the show. The debate on Ukraine continues, now discussing military objectives of either side of the conflict, and what is concretely achievable as opposed to suicidal. Zelensky’s new appointed Ukrainian minister of Defence and the Polish PM have been gung-ho about escalations and outlandish ambitions for Ukrainian and civilizational victory against Russia– avoiding negotiations and effectively promoting WWIII and nuclear conflict. What role does Poland serve in relation to the West’s agenda in this conflict: is it the clown that tests Russia’s patience, with outlandish threats? Later in the episode the hosts and Youri discuss prospects for Ukrainian state formation, for those exiled and unsympathetic to Russia. What will Russia allow, should the conflict freeze?

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