Never Getting A Snapping Turtle! 🐢 #PetSafety #pets

2 years ago

In this video, we share a cautionary tale about the dangers of keeping snapping turtles as pets. Despite the allure of these prehistoric creatures, they can be difficult to care for and potentially dangerous to handle. As a matter of fact, the turtle featured in this video is a Mississippi Map Turtle, not a snapping turtle, but it still managed to give us a nasty bite. We share our experience as a warning to others who may be considering getting a snapping turtle as a pet. Instead, we recommend considering other types of turtles or reptiles that are safer and easier to care for. Join us as we learn from our mistake and vow to never get a snapping turtle again. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more informative pet content! #NeverGettingASnappingTurtle #PetSafety #TurtleBites #MississippiMapTurtle #PetOwnership

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