How to Draw A Cut Unicorn Doughtnut.

2 years ago

Draw a large, circular shape for the donut.

Draw a smaller circle in the middle of the donut.

Draw two small triangles on top of the donut for the ears.

Draw two large, oval-shaped eyes and fill them in.

Add eyelashes above each eye and a small nose below the eyes.

Draw a curved line for the mouth and add a small tongue.

Draw a unicorn horn on the top of the donut by drawing a long, curved triangle.

Draw two small circles on either side of the donut and add curved lines to connect them to the donut for the arms.

Add two small circles for the hooves on the bottom of each arm.

Draw a tail on the back of the donut by drawing a curved line and adding small tufts of hair.

Add sprinkles to the donut by drawing small dots all over it.

Color the donut and unicorn features however you like.

That's it! You've drawn a cute unicorn donut.

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