Foods That Help Eliminate Toxic Metals

1 year ago

Nutritional Science Physiologist, Nutritional Healing Specialist Mary Esther Gilbert, MSc HN, BSc NSP, shows how toxic metals can accumulate in the body, and how they can be eliminated out of the body with various superfood botanicals and antioxidant nutrients.

A botanical and functional foods research writer, her book, "Potent Superfoods for Lifelong True Health", provides the science behind over 109 superfoods--fruits, berries, herbs, greens, vegetables, medicinals, and many more, that effectively detoxify, correct, and repair the damages that occur when the body's chemical burden becomes health or life threatening.

Reference Sources:

Metabolic Effects of the Intracellular Regulation of Thyroid Hormone: Old Players, New Concepts

Goitrogenic/antithyroidal potential of green tea extract in relation to catechin in rats

Toxic Elements, Chapter 18

Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application

The Nutrition Source, Selenium,%2C%20red%20meat%2C%20and%20eggs.

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