A Moment To Meditate -'The Rosebud Heart' February 2023 DO NOT DRIVE AND LISTEN. STOP TO LISTEN.

1 year ago

Like the petals of a rose! Our hearts are of a complex nature.
But it’s the centre of the rose; the heart is where you find the true essence, the powerful fragrance that fills your senses with Euphoria, connecting you to a feeling of profound beauty. To get to the centre, we must ramble through the many thorns, enduring all the scratches until we reach that magnificent centre.

Interesting fun facts
- further, affirming the Power of the Rose'
- Sub rosa" is a Latin phrase used throughout history to refer to conversations or activities held in secret. It originates from the Roman era when wild roses were hung above meeting places and tables to signify that anything said ‘under the rose’ should remain confidential and never repeated.

- In Ancient mythology, the Wild Rose is a powerful symbol of love and adoration. It is strongly associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and love, which is often portrayed with a crown of roses around her head.
In addition, the rose is a symbolic carrier of secrets.

- Greek mythology also tells the story of the legendary wedding between Psyche, the goddess of Soul and Eros, the god of Love.
Following the romantic match, the entire Earth was a-glow with roses scattered by the three Graces to celebrate the eternal union of love.

And So It Is

With Infinite Love and Gratitude


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