INTROSPECTION - mockery of humanity | attention seeking | demon cosplay | theater play Grammy awards

1 year ago

There's nothing to worry about those cosplays. Some folks need attention. This society is an energy vampire, being based (obviously) on narcissistic premises.

What is this sick society's main agenda besides killing you? Making a mockery of humanity just because humans exist. And also because they are human and also miserable. Serves them right I guess, if they don't know how to make use well of their body. Although I am sure they are not of human origin :3

This sick society is giving awards only to actors. What is an actor? A fake persona (a mask). Just like the paid mass-media channels giving awards one to the other, politicians giving themselves or being given peace awards or things like that when they promote war instead. It's all just a club for sick people and good thing is you're not invited. :3

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