Holosun 507C ACSS Green Review!!

2 years ago

Holosun 507C ACSS Green Review!!

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email: vptactical1@gmail.com

Hello and welcome!

Today we're reviewing the Holosun 507c ACSS green optic and this thing is awesome! I've been out to the range multiple times just to shoot with it and its certainly been more pleasant using this setup. I had picked it up from Primary Arm's when it was on sale, although you can look around and you may strike a deal elsewhere. The fit & finish seem to be on point and the reticle gets the job done. No need to hunt around for the chevron, the outer circle makes it easier to get the sight picture aligned quickly. Great battery life thus far and it has a solar power backup system. The battery is easy to change and dialing it in is pretty easy with the convenient adjustments. I installed mine and it was pretty spot on from the factory with a default 25 yard zero. The ACSS/Vulcan "chevron" make it really easy for target acquisition and quick follow up shots. I'm very pleased with it overall, what's your thoughts? Drop the comments below!!

Be safe, stay vigilant!!

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