American Business Systems Overview

7 years ago

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Today we explore the American Business Systems Medical Billing opportunity. ABS was founded in 1994 and is a home based business in the medical billing field.

The investment is $27,990, requires no previous experience, and allows new owners to enter the medical claims industry by becoming a medical claims specialist. The business can be operated just by one person processing the claims, run part time or full time or grown much larger with multiple employees. Some current American Business Systems owners have grown to over 30 employees. Over the past 20 years over 1500 people have gone through the ABS training.

So why is this a good opportunity? Firstly there is huge market demand. As you probably know medical billing is a very challenging field and as a result most medical doctors only receive about 70 cents of every dollar they bill for, and often wait months to get the payments. Doctors are not trained in claims nor do they have the time in their busy practices to look deeply into these billing processes. So here we have an enormous industry problem, and ABS offers a solution.

After completing their training American Business Systems owners help the Doctors effectively process their billing so they now receive up to 98% instead of only 70% of their billings and get paid in 7 days rather than in months. For providing this valued service you as the medical billing specialist get paid a percentage of the Doctors monthly revenue. So that is money in the Doctors pocket and your own pocket every month.

So the concept is very easy to understand , you help Doctors earn more money and get money faster using the software and training provided by American Business Systems. Can you think of any Doctors that would not want to make more money and get it faster?

So how do I become a medical billing specialist? American Business Systems gives complete training on their system that shows you step by step how to process these claims to increase doctors earnings. They have been doing this over 20 years and can show you everything you need to know.

To give you an idea of the numbers here are some averages, these are not earnings claims these are just industry statistics. Most doctors have billings between 30-100k monthly. With one $50,000 a month account you would be putting approximately $15,000 extra in their pocket every single month. And that single account will put approximately $3000 a month in your pocket every single month. And that is just one account.
If you go through the process and speak to some owners you will see that some of them landed accounts with 30 or 40 Doctors in the practice which doesn't happen often but when it does makes for a very lucrative account.

But the next valid question is how do I as a medical billing specialist actually find Doctors? Well if you have a sales background you already know the answer. If you are new to this as many of the ABS owners were, most got started with their first account by networking locally. Asking their own Doctor, or asking people in their community from the hairdresser to their real estate agent for referrals to their Doctors. Also as there is no territory restrictions you are able to work with Doctors in any part of the USA, so you can network with friends and family all over the country. Remember that first client will likely cover your investment. Now beyond this.........(read more at

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