Homeschooling Mom EXPOSED | Heartfelt Homeschooling Mom Collaboration

2 years ago

Homeschooling Mom EXPOSED | Heartfelt Homeschooling Mom Collaboration

I didn't expect this to happen like this. I didn't expect to ever make a video like this. But as a former teacher, now homeschooling Mom, I have a lot of thoughts and opinions. Especially when justifying and answering questions about why and how we started homeschooling, bumps in the road, how we handle things and what inspires us.

This is a collaboration brought together by Tiffany at Five Peas in the Rodpod. Check out her channel at

Since this is a tag.... I have been tagged by Christie at One Blessed Mess

And I am tagging Colleen at Our Blessed Life

Homeschooling Mom EXPOSED | Heartfelt Homeschooling Mom Collaboration
#homeschooling #homeschool #momlife

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