Force Science, Combatting Injustice from Woke Prosecutions of Police

1 year ago

Police use of force has been the hot button of the woke left and used as a tool by “progressive” politicians and prosecutors to undermine the criminal justice system. Pronouncing legitimate shootings by police as “excessive” and “racist” and then prosecuting the officers or caving into massive civil suit payouts is causing law enforcement officers to resign or simply not get involved in proactive policing. It also leads to emotional and psychological health challenges for our police.

In this premier episode of “The Wounded Blue Hour,” Von Kliem, one of the foremost experts from Force Science, allows a glimpse into the scientific tools used to bring truth to the reality of police use of deadly force.

Lt. Randy Sutton can be heard on weekdays at 11 am ET on The Wounded Blue on the iHeart Radio Network. All the episodes are available on the America Out Loud Podcast Network.

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