Giant manta ray performs and leaves scuba diver in awe

1 year ago

Manta rays are true giants that glide beautifully through the ocean by flapping their massive wings. In Spanish, "manta" means blanket, which describes their shape and size perfectly. They are gentle giants, with no ability or desire to harm humans. Unlike other stingrays, they have no venomous barbs in their tails. They defend themselves by out swimming predators.
This scuba diver has explored the waters of Cayman Islands, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Galapagos Islands but he has never seen manta rays in such numbers or so close as he did in this video. He and a group of divers slipped beneath the waves in the remote waters of the Galapagos only to be met by a huge school of manta rays involved in a courtship congregation. The males perform acrobatics in the hope of winning the approval of the females. Manta rays are very social animals and they are highly intelligent. They are one of the few animals that pass the "mirror test", indicating self awareness. When allowed to see their reflection, the mantas engage in behaviour that allows them to see parts of their bodies that they cannot otherwise see. This is a display of self curiosity that has astounded researchers.
These giants are up to 7m (22 feet) across. To witness such a massive creature swimming and looping like this only a few meters away was breath taking and unforgettable.

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