Joe's American Dream...Joe's Objects: China or ET?...Big, Nasty Oil...Don and Ron

1 year ago

Welcome to The Conservatude Podcast...where America, Freedom, Patriotism, and Truth still matter!! We ARE the Home of Positive Conservatism! Often compared to the late, great Rush Limbaugh, Mark won't kowtow to the Radical Left or give up the fight! He stands for the Constitution and STILL believes America is worth fighting for!! Enjoy the show!!

Episode Guide:

• Joe Biden Wants to Destroy YOUR American Dream!!
• What is Going on with Joe Biden and the "Objects"...are are they ET???
• Big, Nasty Oil Makes too much Money!! Compared to Who??? Finally,
• Don and Ron: Don's going after Ron...Ron Ignores Don. Joe's Just Lost...

I discuss all this and more on today's “The Conservatude Podcast”. Join me on the patriotic journey that IS the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!!


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