[Character Quest] Xiangling Story Quest -Trulla Chapter: Act 1 - Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip

2 years ago

[Character Quest] Xiangling Story Quest -Trulla Chapter: Act 1 - Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip

NOTE: This quest will be triggered during "Look for clues to track Raptor (0/3)" of [Character Quest] Amber Story Quest - Lepus Chapter: Act 1 - Wind, Courage, and Wings

I. Little Chef on a Hunt
00:07 Meet the girl in the forest
- [Mondstadt Cutscene] Xiangling hides with Traveler : https://youtu.be/km6z-sCr9pU
- Talk to the girl
- Help Xiangling collect Raw Meat
- Give three chunks of Raw Meat to Xiangling

II. Cooking Appointment
06:02 Go with Xiangling to Springvale
- Apologize to Draff
- Catch up to Xiangling
09:35 Talk to Xiangling at the source of the aroma

III. Secret Ingredient
13:17 Intercept Xiangling on her way to Liyue
- Talk to Xiangling
16:21 Continue looking for the right ingredients
- Collect three Lotus Heads
17:10 Continue looking for the right ingredients
- Collect three Jueyun Chilis
17:48 Talk to Xiangling

IV. Lucky Find
19:06 Go to the place Xiangling mentioned
21:16 Talk to Xiangling and the shivering man
21:58 Make a Delicious Radish Veggie Soup (0/1)
- Defeat all enemies along the way
25:03 Give the hunter the soup you prepared

V. Present From the Past
27:03 Catch up to Xiangling in the ruins
- Go into the depths of the ruins in search of ingredients
- 29:17 [Mondstadt Guide] Xiangling's Secret Ingredient : https://youtu.be/Jat6sOOdKAs
- Talk to Xiangling

VI. Cooking Showdown
37:04 Return to Springvale for the Cooking Showdown
39:53 Talk to Xiangling at the Cooking Showdown
41:16 Help Xiangling during the Cooking Showdown
42:02 Go to the lakeside and wash the Radish
42:22 Give the washed Radish to Xiangling
43:10 Continue to help Xiangling
- Extinguish the pan fire
44:15 Give the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer to Xiangling
45:29 Find suitable ingredients
- Butterfly Wings, Frogs, or Lizard Tails can be given as ingredients to Xiangling
- Ask Xiangling if she needs any more help
47:20 Make Delicious Jade Parcels
- She will provide you with the recipe.
47:42 Give the Delicious Jade Parcels to Xiangling
47:59 Talk to Draff and await the results
55:56 Accept Xiangling's thanks

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