The 2nd Siege of the VIRUS (Is Coming!)

2 years ago

Jan 18, 2023 ARIZONA
This video will show a parallel of the destruction of Jerusalem and the 1st Jewish Temple by the Babylonian Beast & the destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd Jewish Temple by the Roman Beast, and how the siege of the Virus on our world is only the first siege, and that a more devastating 2nd siege of the virus is coming! That will culminate in the destruction of what is called Babylon the Great at the hands of the Scarlet Beast with 7 heads & 10 horns! Not just lockdowns, restrictions and mandates but complete destruction! Headings will be What is a Siege?, The COVID Siege, Supplies Cut Off, Lockdowns, Siege of Jerusalem 597BCE, The Babylonian Captivity, The Return of Babylon 587BCE, The Roman Siege of Jerusalem 69CE, Christians Flee Jerusalem, The Return of Rome 70CE, The Babylonian Lion Beast, The Roman Terrible Beast, The Return of the Virus Siege, The Scarlet Beast with 7 Heads & 10 Horns.

0:00 The 2nd Siege of the VIRUS (Is Coming) THE FIRST TEMPLE
0:36 What is a Siege?
0:54 The War Against the Virus
1:23 Supplies Cut Off
1:43 Cities, Businesses and the People
2:30 The Siege of Jerusalem (597BCE) (By the King of Babylon)(Judah Revolts!)
2:58 The Babylonian Captivity
3:26 The Return of Babylon (587BCE) (Jerusalem Completely Destroyed)
4:10 Roman Siege of Jerusalem (69CE) (Jerusalem Surrounded)(Jewish Revolt!)
4:49 Jewish Christians Flee (Out of Jerusalem)
5:14 The Return of Rome (70CE) (Jerusalem Completely Destroyed)
5:51 Destroys Jerusalem & the 2nd Temple
7:07 The Return of Virus Siege (Brings Revolt!)
7:31 The Scarlet 7 Head 10 Horn Beast (Destroys Babylon the Great) SCARLET BEAST WITH SEVEN HEADS & TEN HORNS

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