New Objects Over US Sky: What REALLY are they?; WARNING: Cryptocurrency going to ZERO?!

1 year ago

U.S. warplanes shot down another three objects from Friday to Sunday in quick succession. Two of them were in U.S. airspace, and one of them was in Canadian airspace. Here’s all about these objects. Lawmakers from both parties have also said that more investigation is needed into the objects that keep appearing over the United States.

The Federal Reserve and the SEC warned investors, who invest in cryptocurrencies, here’s why!

The White House quickly blocklisted 6 Chinese companies linked to Spy Balloons.

The former Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, plans to return to Brazil from the United States. There is also a significant concern about how his return will affect the already unsettled situation in Brazil.

Almost a week has passed since the earthquake in Turkey, but rescue teams are still finding lucky survivors under the rubble. These miracles are a reminder to explore the mystery behind life.

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