1 year ago

In April 2018 Airbus announced plans to offer passenger sleeping berth modules that would be able to be slotted into the cargo hold. These modules would be able to be inserted and removed just like cargo containers and could be slotted in for certain legs of a flight. As well as sleeping berths there could be options to slot in conference rooms, lounge areas, to name a few. We feel that economics will somehow come back into play and that the airline company accountant might be hard-pressed to find a justification for leaving cargo behind in favour of some added passenger comfort. Unless of course, the airline can convince their travelling public to pay enough of a premium for these extra services. With the downturn in travel due to Covid 19 and the reduction of interest by airlines in large four-engined aircraft, we now know that Airbus has ended the A380 program once present orders for the aircraft type are filled.||||||

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