Let’s have a discussion, see video description , let’s us know what you think in comments 👇👇#M3p

2 years ago

Hey everyone!

So, let’s talk about something that happens way too often but never gets addressed properly. People who try to make you feel guilty for overacting!

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re overreacting and your friend, family member, or whoever it may be makes you feel guilty for it? Well, let me tell you something, it’s never ok to make someone feel guilty for overreacting.

Sometimes we all need to let loose and express our feelings without facing judgement. You know, like when you hear your favorite tune come on the radio and you can’t help but sing along at the top of your lungs. That kind of situation is the most classic example of the overacting that I’m talking about and if that’s your thing then you should totally go for it!

Or how about when you’re watching a movie that gets you so worked up you can’t help but jump up and down in excitement or even get a little teary eyed. All of these situations are not only completely acceptable but they can also be a whole lot of fun when shared with other people who share the same feelings.

So, don’t ever let anyone make you feel guilty for overacting. It’s totally ok to be proud of who you are and express yourself freely without judgement!

Alright everyone, that’s all I have for today. Until next time, remember to stay proud and keep on overacting!

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