"Vanguard" The Oxycontin Express 💊

2 years ago

Documentary about the Oxycontin pill mills that exist from Kentucky to Florida. Examines this pipeline that exist across the nexus of rural America and also their impact on the local population.

The irony is the War in Afghanistan increased heroin production. US soldiers were literally guarding and protecting opium poppy farms there. The Taliban were very anti-drug and forbid the growing of poppies when they were in control. During the US occupation, the US military realized that they could win 'hearts and minds' of the public by allowing and protecting poppy farmers. This translated into an opioid epidemic here in America as heroin became more plentiful, cheaper and purer.

As the war there winded down and US soldiers began vacating areas of Afghanistan, the Taliban came back into the country from the Pakistan regions where they fled US occupation. Poppy production began to dry up and so did the Heroin on the streets.

Enter the pill mills. Shady Pain Management Clinics began popping up like weeds to satisfy opioid demand created by the vacuum of street Heroin disappearing. Trump closed down many of these crooked pain clinics operating as legalized drug dealers, and companies making Oxy began changing their formula so the pills couldn't be easily snorted or smoked.

Enter Fentanyl from China. China moved synthetic Fentanyl into the market and cartels began cutting their heroin and bootleg Oxycodone pills with Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate and much, much stronger than Heroin. 50 times stronger or more. There is also another danger with it, the effects don't last long. This leads users to dose more and more to maintain their high, leading to a much higher rate of OD's and death.

JRE: From Oxycontin to Fentanyl - Mariana van Zeller on the Opioid Crisis! 💊

A Leaf of Faith (How Kratom can help end the Opioid Epidemic, safely) [FULL MOVIE] 👍🍃🍵|🚫💉💊

If you are someone you know has been prescribed, or are addicted to pain medication, you/they should consider trying Kratom. Kratom is a natural plant in the coffee family that behaves similarly to opiates. It also stimulates opioid receptors in the brain to lessen the effects of withdrawing from opioid medication while still managing pain. It is much lighter on the body, not deadly, and LEGAL. Empty 1 gram gel tabs can be purchased on Amazon or Ebay to make your own pills from powder (much cheaper than buying pre-made pills), or a teaspoon to a tablespoon of Kratom can be made into a tea, or mixed into a fruit smoothie and drank. Pain relief and energy boost similar to Coffee kicks in in 20 minutes to an hour. Lasts for hours. MaEng Da (MD) is the strongest strain of Kratom and it comes in RED (Most pain relief with sedative effects), YELLOW (Medium pain relief and calming effects), GREEN (Slight pain relief and energy boost), WHITE (Energy boost and mood uplift).

Kratom powder can be purchased here: https://FloridaRooted.com

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