22 things I have learned in 2022

1 year ago

22 things I have learned in 2022

22 Things Facebook Post: https://www.facebook.com/douglas.dohe...
Learn more about Douglas James here: https://linktr.ee/douglasjames

Hey, you. Welcome back to my YouTube channel. It is Douglas James. Today I'm going to be talking about the 22 things that I learned in 2022.

1.No one's coming to save you.
You have to instill the mindset in yourself that you're going to be resourceful and take accountability and ownership of everything.

2. Most people think they aren't like most people.
We're all human beings and we all really do think alike. 99% of other people are also having those same doubts, those same frustrations and those same feelings that you might be having.

3. Get the ball out of your court.
So if something is given to you as a task in the project, whatever your role, a responsibility is, you have to fulfill that and follow through with that commitment.

4. I'm a weirdo and I love it.
Be okay with being yourself if you're a little strange, be yourself. Don't worry about what other people think about you because they're going to have their opinions anyway and you can't control their thoughts or their actions.

5. Closer is better than more.
So many of us here, including myself, have been responsible for wanting more. Take ownership and make better decisions.

6. High Quick starters need implementers.
There are high quick starters, there are quick starters, there are implementers, there are people that follow through and there are analytical people and there are four different types in the Kolbe test.

7. I suck at follow-through. That's why I have a team.

8. Your team may suck if you don't pay them enough.
Because if you don't pay them well, they're going to leave you and they're going to go work for someone else.

9. Baby girl shows daddy more love after three.
Up until now, she was all about her mom. But now she's, you know, with me more often now.

10. More time does not equal better quality.
You're unique, you stand out and you have to figure out what those things are for your business or for your agency.

11. Function over form.
A fit and lean person is going to live a lot longer, healthy lifestyle than somebody that's optimizing for how they look.

12. Build the lifestyle, not the business.
You got to hit the pavement running, but as you get into it, you don't want to forget why you're doing this in the first place.

13. Passive income isn't real.
It's highly efficient, active income. There's always a force, of function. I have a semi-passive income, but I have really nothing where I can sit on my hands, do nothing, talk to no one, look at nothing and the money's coming in. It's just a facade.

14. The best businesses require no force of function, generate cash and save time.
So basically, there are four things that you want to check off the list every single time you get into a business or you get into an investment, you got to ask yourself, right, is there a cost saving? Is there savings, Is there a force of function, or is it a revenue generator? So in any business or investment or anything you get into, you want to check off a yes on at least three of these things.

15. Replace yourself as fast as possible in business.
So the quicker that you can learn the process and the skill sets and the systems, replace yourself. The more you can buy your time back, the better off you're going to be cognitively, and mentally, right? And then you can have that lifestyle.

16. Have a long-term time preference in literally everything that you do. Quitters will continue to quit, But winners will continue to win at the same time.

17. Earn your dopamine.
Do the work. Simple as that.

18. Do not disturb on my iPhone definitely might be the biggest life hack ever for somebody like me. When you know and understand your value, you start to get really selfish of your time.

19. Bodybuilding shortens your life and focuses on lean muscle and endurance.

20. I don't like alcohol as much as I used to.
You want to optimize your whole life. Everything about the people you hang out with from the world so that I can go to the gym and focus on myself. And that's it for things that are serving you, that are giving you a return.

21. I live for the week, not for the weekends.
And when you get obsessed with building and creating things, you look forward to Monday because Monday you can work and make money.

22. In order to have financial independence, you must always be a student. The moment that you stop learning, you cut yourself off from a more efficient path forward.

I hope that I was able to help you get closer to that so you can go off and do amazing things for yourself, for your business, and for your family. So like the video, subscribe and I will see you in my next video.

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