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2/13/23 AxeTruth Monday Madness - Look over there! Bring on the Aliens

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Well it looks like its about that time, the false flags of shootings, fake pandemics, vaccine & fictitious criminal Trump accusations are not enough to distract the masses.. BRING ON THE FAKE ALIEN invasion with Project Blue Beam.

1. Dylan Mullvany is a character actor who is obviously got a good grift going vloging everyday his experience as a "woman" now has a video promising straight women he will not take their husbands.

2. Deranged Transgender puts out PSA video that Trans Women experience real periods but they don't bleed, you are invalidated Trans Women experience to say otherwise.

3. The NFL divisive "Black National Anthem" song by Sheryl Lee Ralph , further evidence how the left & Boule celebrities continue to push division with Black Americans, and make them believe they are not American

4. Rihanna lipsync performance with the Satanic symbolism & back up dancers looking like Wuhan Lab workers.

5. Baltimore spends $32,000 per student and their teachers make over six figures when you account for pensions. Yet 23 Baltimore schools have 0 students are proficient in math

6. Left-wing activist baker Jennifer Angel, 48yrs old, who believes in abolishing police dies after robbers mowed her down at bank in Oakland - victim's family say killers shouldn't go to jail as murders soar 50%

7. Mayor Watermelon Seeds Adams BUSTED as he is busing migrants to Canada & Mayor Adams claims he only bussing the Migrants who are asking to go somewhere else, legalized human trafficking

8. Honkies Repulsive behavior by savages! After losing the super bowl Eagle Fans rioting & flips over a car

9. an Akata the typical black male aka Lesbian with a dick losing it bc lost money betting on the rigged NFL football games

10. WH press Secretary says no alien invasion & White House's John Kirby says Chinese spy balloons were operating during Pres Trump administration but they were unable to detect them, but the Joe Biden was able to detect them, a load of bullshit

11. A 3rd UFO Shot Down in Michigan over Lake Huron Is this really happening? Psyop distraction?

12. East Palestine, Ohio. Dead fish everywhere. Thousands of residents demanding testing. Cities hours away scrambling to reassure public the water is safe. Potentially 5 million people along the Ohio River affected

13. Journalists covering the story in Ohio are now being arrested.

14. They detained a reporter in East Palestine for asking questions about the chemical train derailment.. He must have been over the target

15. General Flynn- “There’s so many things that are happening… I don’t want the American people to be distracted by things that aren’t important to America

16. Drug Shortage Update , we need to live more healthy to stop being dependant on Big Pharma toxic drugs

17. Why is the CDC so interested in tracking the unvaccinated when we now know -vaccines don’t prevent infection -don’t prevent transmission

18. They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNA ~ I think that will kill everybody” Dr Mike Yeadon

19. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is now the most common cause of death in Alberta on a death certificate” ~ Dr Roger Hodkinson

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  • 0/2000
  • I am glad a commenter recommended the book, "Cure For All Diseases". It saved my life. 25 years ago, that's when I experienced the evils of pharma. And Turmeric helps big time with my F-ed up back. Just bought a kilogram of it. People can look into buying their herbs in bulk, as it saves serious money compared to the bottled up encapsulated versions.

  • Dylan did get the boobs but he's still a paid actor by the administration to help corrupt society.

  • Awesome as usual, Axe!

    1 like
  • Look up at the light show of bs , shhhhh don’t go get your money or ask about Epstein flight log release Never you mind child look up n be scared

    1 like
  • go get your kidneys and pancreas checked sounds like a medical problem not a period

    1 like
  • Great rendition of the Song! Great gut feelings!

    1 like
  • They can't just tell us to get out like they did to the Dutch farmers and then move immigrants in they have to destroy the land because we have guns in America

    1 like

    1 like