Freedom Of Speech 9/11 to Seth Rich Wikileaks MSM Ad Nauseam Russiagate

1 year ago

I'm with Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) on 9/11 and more to fear from US police than Al-CIAda
Includes Seth Rich, FBI, Clinton Crime Clan, Apartheid Israel, RAY McGOVERN, Russiagate, Bohemian Grove, Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky, Media, 2020, U.S. election, Alex Jones goes off on trump....

The FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie — but hid that truth

The FBI Has Been Lying About Seth Rich

RAY McGOVERN: Rich’s Ghost Haunts the Courts
It is shaping up to be a significant challenge to the main premise of the shaky syllogism that ends with “Russia did it.”
As most Consortium News habitués are aware, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (which includes two former NSA technical directors), working with independent forensic investigators, concluded two years ago that what “everyone knows to be Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee” actually involved an insider with physical access to DNC computers copying the emails onto an external storage device — such as a thumb drive. In other words, it was a leak, not a hack

Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave.

A shadowy and controversial secret club meets in the California woods every year — and at least 5 US presidents were members

Full interview: Conspiracy facts and the MICIMATT that truly governs the USA - with CIA whistleblower Ray McGovern

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media - Feature Film

'Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977), von Braun worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development
program. Following 'Operation Paperclip' In 1960, his group was assimilated into NASA.

Israel is a non-democratic apartheid regime, says rights group
Israel is not a democracy but an “apartheid regime” that enforces Jewish supremacy over all the land it controls, a leading domestic rights group
One organising principle lies at the base of a wide array of Israeli policies: advancing and perpetuating the supremacy of one group – Jews –
over another – Palestinians,” said B’Tselem, an organisation that documents human rights violations.

Israeli security expert behind worldwide election manipulation efforts - report
Founder of #DemomamInternational #TalHanan found to head a team working to #manipulate interfere in elections on global political level

team of Israeli contractors is responsible for having manipulated more than 30 elections around the world through hacking, sabotage and
automated misinformation, The Guardian has revealed after an in-depth investigation.

In an article published early Wednesday morning, The Guardian reported that a team of Israeli operatives has been working under Israeli
security expert Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former special forces operative and CEO of Demomam International, to manipulate election outcomes in
dozens of countries over the last two decades.

Working under the codename "Team Jorge," the operatives offer their services to those looking to meddle in elections worldwide, as well as to
corporate clients, the investigation revealed.

One of the key components in the team's efforts to sway election results is social media, more specifically, Twitter.

A non-human bot by the name of @Canaelan has been found to have links to numerous fake social media profiles, all controlled by
disinformation-spreading software owned by Team Jorge and based out of Israel.

According to the investigation, the software known as Advanced Impact Media Solutions (AIMS) controls over 30,000 fake social media
profiles all of which can be used to spread disinformation or propaganda far and wide at extraordinary speed.

The expose published by The Guardian on Wednesday is the result of an undercover investigation carried out by a consortium of journalists
from 30 different media outlets, including Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El País.

During the investigation, Hanan, or "Jorge," spoke with undercover reporters from Haaretz, The Marker and Radio France, telling them
that access to the AIMS software had been sold to "unnamed intelligence agencies, political parties and corporate clients," The Guardian reported.

Hanan also told the reporters that his services had been made available to intelligence agencies worldwide, in addition to political
campaigns and private companies. The services have been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe, he added.

What is AIMS?

The sophisticated AIMS software package offered by Hanan and his team of Israeli operatives controls thousands of fake social
media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube. According to The Guardian, some of these fake avatars even own Amazon accounts, credit cards, and bitcoin wallets.

Each individual avatar is given its own unique digital backstory and is able to mimic human behavior through the use of
artificial intelligence.

But in order for bots to spread disinformation and fake news, there needs to be a news source for them to take it from.

That's why, in addition to AIMS, Team Jorge run an automated "blogger machine" system that creates websites from which the fake
social media accounts can then disperse information.

"After you’ve created credibility, what do you do? Then you can manipulate," he told the team of undercover journalists.

~ClassWar ~Antiwar ~ BDS ~ @hatethemachine

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