Butterfly and Swallow... Where both are missing, My Blessing is far away ❤️ Secrets of Creation

2 years ago

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Butterfly and Swallow…
Jesus says… Where both are missing, My Blessing is far away

The Creator reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer

November 10, 1870 – Secrets of Creation Chapter 5 – Butterfly and Swallow

1. Your sister asks for clarification concerning the nature of the swallow and the butterfly in the spiritual sense, or what spiritual archetypes lie hidden beneath these two images of My realm of creation?

2. Considering I have placed something spiritual in everything, there is certainly something in these two animals as well, as individual members of two genera, which could serve as a sublime example for you humans; now then, I tell your sister that these two genera of animals occupy different levels, the one among all winged beetles and insects, and the other among the birds that joyfully roam the skies.

3. So, before we can get to the clarification, we must first answer this question: What is the butterfly? You see, My dear child, the butterfly is one of those animals which, like the flying insects, serves as a transitional stage – from the crawling worm or the caterpillar and the bird – forming an intermediary member. And of these, the butterfly in particular is an animal which displays its dependence on the earth elements in its body, and its relation to the specifics of light and the sun in its colorfully decorated wings.

4. The butterfly’s and the metamorphosis (transformation) of its entire species’ – first gathering the appropriate natural components as a worm and caterpillar, and then, as a butterfly, spiritualizing them through the products of the sunlight, namely the finest flower nectar – gives you, My dear children, a beautiful example for your own activities and lives, so much so that I cannot but entrust this knowledge to you and explain it in more detail. And so listen:

5. The worm crawls in the dust, and the caterpillar feeds on the interior of the tree and the buds of shrubs. With this they both draw in and absorb elements from the earth.

6. The same is the case with you human beings.

7. From childhood on, you too are mostly given only worldly things by the presently conventional system of education, and your puerile hearts are filled to the brim with superficial sciences.

8. And afterwards, heavily loaded with vain sciences, you move onward to a more mature age, like the caterpillar pupating itself through the winter and taking the next step in its development into an entirely different being.

9. And you, what happens with you? Behold, you too head towards the spring of your lives. Cocooned and entangled in conventional rules of conduct and concepts, you believe that you are in complete accordance with your profession, you only consider the laws imposed on you by the state or custom important. And so, if not a powerful expergefactor were to come and wake you, you too, like the chrysalis of a butterfly or the larva of a flying insect, would remain what your school and home education made you to be, for the rest of your life.

10. But as with the butterfly in its chrysalis, the image of its future existence is already forming. Its body is prepared not to crawl arduously along the ground anymore, but instead to be carried through the air by two light pair of wings. This is true for you as well; despite all the erroneous education, within you human beings – there is enclosed a more elevated and spiritual man, which has merely been covered over, but not destroyed. This inner man, as is the case with the chrysalis of the butterfly, only requires the right push in order to burst the larva, so his wings may grow out and he, as a free and lofty being, can spread his wings in the warming rays of the sun and enjoy an elevated and spiritual life. Together with his newly acquired sucker, replacing his previous trophi, he now has the ability to nourish himself with the product of the sunlight from the equally ranked members of the plant kingdom, the flowers clothed with colors, for the continued preservation of his being.

11. This ist the case with you too, My dear children.

12. Once the more mature and serious time of your life approaches, I send the warming rays of My love, give the first impulse by way of various sufferings and misfortunes, to break through the tough and worldly crust of learned prejudices, so you may come to understand that, in many cases, what you had previously learned is not enough to give you comfort. The inner, spiritual man stirs, pounds on his worldly carapace, and wishes to spread his wings, for he feels that he has been created for a more elevated existence than the one to which you want to condemn him. The suffering from without, the urge from within; they work together, and with some individuals, the worldly shell which surrounded the spiritual man bursts open; then, free like a butterfly, rejoicing and giving thanks, he floats towards the sun, warming his spirit, and he feels at ease basking in its rays. He consumes only the spiritual, the never-fading teachings of My love, the finest flower nectar of My wisdom. What the butterfly is on earth, he becomes in the spiritual heaven: A child of the light, or “My child”!

13. Understand the butterfly in this way, and just as it rejoices in its life, adorned with the most beautiful colors in the delicate dust that covers its wings, you too shall strew the wings of your souls with the pollen of divine qualities, and you shall prefer the sunlight nourishment of My divine love and wisdom to the lowly bustle of the world and all other foods.

14. This, My child, is the symbolic wisdom which a heart that has turned to Me can draw from the butterfly and its appearance in nature. May you too become what the butterfly is, and you will always be able to enjoy My sun of grace in the serene flight of the spirit through the wonders of creation!

15. And now we move on to the second animal you took an interest in, of which you wish to know its spiritual significance; so listen then:

16. At the very start I already said that, what the butterfly is among the flying insects, the swallow is among the birds; now, to prove this, we must take a closer look at the genus it belongs to.

17. Behold, My dear child, if there is a spiritual resemblance between animals, it does not mean that all conditions of the one animal are replicated exactly in the other, but that I, as Creator, have merely intended an even and regulated advancement in the orders of both genera.

18. Now look, among the birds there are various species; their differences lie either in their plumage, singing or body structure, according to the food they consume to transform the lower into the more elevated.

19. Among this genus there are animals which draw their sustenance from coarser elements, or which are herbivorous and granivorous, and yet another which lives off of flying insects; and again those insects themselves are, in their own genus, the most developed “sunlight-gatherers”, in spiritual respect. (See “The Fly”, chapter 11: The fly as light- and life-gatherer).

20. Now, the latter of these food sources is exactly what the swallows, the birds you take such a liking to, depend on, and this is exactly how they resemble the butterflies, namely that they too consume only the finest food, so that, from them, the next stage of their development may emerge: the bird genus endowed with a nobler song. All spiritual aspects are already gathered in the organism of the swallow, which, although nearly mute or merely expressed in the form of simple chirping, can only transform into jubilant voices, a song of thanksgiving to Me, in the more elevated genus that follows the swallow!

21. And so the swallows are animals which, nourished by the product of the sun, always make friends with man, who too stands in closer proximity to the spiritual sun.

22. The swallows choose human dwellings to build their nests, and by what they feed on, they free you from many other plagues, and although man is cruel against many others of their kind and kills them, partly to prepare a dainty morsel for his spoiled palate, and partly out of boredom and bloodthirstiness, he is nevertheless more tolerant towards this kind of bird in particular. It is a certain timidity that keeps him from chasing away these animals from his dwelling, these little critters which have approached him so trustingly, and he does not do wrong by them; for as long as swallows are nesting beneath his roof and flutter all around his home, it is a sign that the surrounding air is clean and healthy, where even the flying insects, the swallow’s food source, may stay. But if either the swallows or the insects are absent, man can be convinced that disease and death will soon come upon his house and his land, and the same if the case for when the flowers and the butterflies living off of their juices are nowhere to be seen.

23. Wherever both are absent, My grace is distant, and unfortunately, the incorrigible people living there will be chastised, for they have remained deaf to My words of love and mercy.

24. And so, may all of you, My children, be active in My school, so I will not be forced to withdraw My messengers of peace from your world and homes, for then your pleas for help will be in vain. You will be forced to undergo more severe treatment, which, however, I will only be compelled to use once no other option remains.

25. Now, My dear daughter, you have a faint idea of how to look at and understand My nature, as well as all its individual aspects, whenever one does spiritual research.

26. However, the fact that many more interesting and curious things could be said about both of these animals, you can certainly imagine; for they are the God’s creatures, and as such, their significance is infinite as well! Amen.

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