BAFS - Kiev 1979 Naïna Gregoryevna Sadabash, Olyeg and Nina.

1 year ago

1979 - Dedicated to my Russian wife, children and grand children.
Naïna Gregoryevna Sadabash, Olyeg (Alyosha) and Nina (Ninulya).
Basheer A. Frémaux-Soormally 2016

А. С. Пушкин Не дай мне бог сойти с ума A. C. PUSHKIN 1833
Евгения Саркисьянц ("God forbid that I should lose my mind" my own title - BAFS - English Text - 3rd couplet slightly edited - Написать рецензию)

To lose my mind I dread; ‘tis worse
Than, facing beggary and dearth,
To starve and labour hard;
Not that my acumen were so
Endeared; not that to let it go
Was painful to my heart:

If only I were left to stay
Unchained, how speedily I’d stray
Into the darkest woods!
I would deliriously sing,
I’d daydream in a smoky ring
Of odd diluted moods;

And I would listen to the tide,
And stare with eyelids open wide
Into the empty sky;
With widely open ears and eyes,
The idle waves and empty skies
I would enjoy for long.

But truth is: be my mind not clear,
A plague will merit as much fear;
One blink and I am seized,
Put on a chain and barred, a fool,
For crowds to tease and ridicule
As animals get teased.

And then at night my ear will trail -
Not singing of a nightingale,
Not rustling of the rain,
But yells of my poor comrades barred,
And curses of the night time guard,
And cries, and clanging chain.


Не дай мне бог сойти с ума.
Нет, легче посох и сума;
Нет, легче труд и глад.
Не то, чтоб разумом моим
Я дорожил; не то, чтоб с ним
Расстаться был не рад:

Когда б оставили меня
На воле, как бы резво я
Пустился в темный лес!
Я пел бы в пламенном бреду,
Я забывался бы в чаду
Нестройных, чудных грез.

И я б заслушивался волн,
И я глядел бы, счастья полн,
В пустые небеса;
И силен, волен был бы я,
Как вихорь, роющий поля,
Ломающий леса.

Да вот беда: сойди с ума,
И страшен будешь как чума,
Как раз тебя запрут,
Посадят на цепь дурака
И сквозь решетку как зверка
Дразнить тебя придут.

А ночью слышать буду я
Не голос яркий соловья,
Не шум глухой дубров —
А крик товарищей моих,
Да брань смотрителей ночных,
Да визг, да звон оков.

© Copyright: Евгения Саркисьянц, 2011
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I was told in 1968 that my son Olyeg died at birth. Two years later, I was told he was alive, but to this day I never met him at all! This is how tragedy starts for some! I was 22 years old at the time (staunchly anti-Communist not realising yet that Capitalism was as bad if not worse).
I was made to understand that the KGB and the family were behind, but when I landed in London in January 1968 I was thrown in jail and deported to Paris the next morning although I had a British passport and was a British "subject"!.

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