Change in the Economy | The Law of the Market

1 year ago

#economics #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship

Every entrepreneurial action changes the economy. This process is undertaken with the expectation of a return. This doesn’t mean there’s always a positive return. However, there’s always the expectation of profit. The action wouldn’t be taken if he didn’t think he’d profit. He believes there’s an underserved area of the market. Change must take place to serve that area. The market rewards efficiency and penalizes inefficiency.

The entrepreneur will only earn profit if he correctly judges the demand of the market. He will suffer losses if he incorrectly judges demand. “If he is a consistent loser…he is driven out of the entrepreneurial role altogether.” Money doesn’t make money. One must make wise decisions. Profits will only come if you correctly serve the market. That is, you must anticipate the demands of the masses.

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