What is Ascension? with Teresa Yanaros

2 years ago

May 10, 2018
Teresa Yanaros speaks on what Ascension means to her, what it might look like and what humanity's future could have in store in this new age of disclosure. Watch this part 1 video of a 3-part series and stay tuned for more from Teresa soon!

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-----More about Teresa Yanaros----

Teresa Yanaros, an author and millennial advocate for spiritual enlightenment, shares inspirational perspectives through her multi-media project and YouTube channel "Divine Frequency" and provides spiritual coaching to assist the co-creative consciousness in manifesting a positive future. Her uplifting personality, down-to-Earth perspectives, and genuine curiosity serve as springboards for her journalism, motivational public speaking engagements, research projects, interviews, dissemination of disclosure, outing of deep state atrocities, and collaborations with alternative news media websites. Teresa seeks to build a global community with other souls aligned with her vision of actively manifesting a positive future for the co-creative consciousness.

Teresa's website: http://divinefrequency.com

Producer: Conscious Creative
Director: Cheri Arellano
Cinematographer: Mark Arellano
Interviewer: Cheri Arellano
Thanks to The Conscious Life Expo

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