1 year ago

It started with just ONE Single Cell.

During the Shift there is an Awakening. An awakening that perhaps the things we were taught and told were slightly different. We can still love our prophet as prophet's are Masters filled with knowledge, benevolence, purity, healing powers and love.

What if the God we were told about is MUCH BIGGER? More loving, more compassionate, more gracious, more understanding and not a punitive God.

During this shift that began in 2012 there is more light. When there is more light we see more. We are learning and seeing things we never have before.

The light is being turned on, on this planet. The Old Souls are the first ones who awaken. Old Souls being the ones with the most incarnations on Gaia.

Archeologists, Physicists, Scientists and Historians postulate what happened. When they discover something that is outside the box, outside of what they have thought and been taught, they discard it.

When we speak anything esoteric it is immediately disregarded. Truth cannot penetrate a closed mind. We have the free will on this planet to open our minds, it is our personal choice whether we do or don't.

Here is some grand history of humanity that hasn't been taught.

The Human Being Soul is the ONLY soul in which God is INSIDE.

There is a COSMIC Soul. This is you when you're not here, when you're HOME. The Cosmic soul is who you are in the Universe. There is no beginning and no end of who you are. The Circle of Life. We come and go on this planet. The cosmic soul becomes the human soul partly, on this planet in our human form. Part of it stays across the veil on the other side, we call it the "Higher Self."

The Cosmic Soul is the one who saw Creation. We existed long before the Universe. The cosmic soul has it's own Akash. We were part of many other Universes and the cosmic akash holds all those experiences. Our human Akash only remembers our Earthly expressions / lives / experiences.

This planet evolved biologically according to a grand PLAN. Not by chance.

To get from ONE Single Cell to Human was by plan and happened way too fast to have ever of happened by chance.

The LOVE started at the beginning. It began at the Microbe level. To create a human being in the short amount of time that this planet had life is IMPOSSIBLE. You can roll the dice consecutively and get double sixes for ten years and you still wouldn't be there. It did NOT happen by chance.

The creation story that you read in scripture is accurate and true but it spoken in metaphors.
The Garden of Eden -- means Mother Gaia - our home, the Earth. Gaia is the Mother Energy. Gaia was instrumental in this very advanced Evolution of the Human Being. Gaia not only has an Energy, but has a consciousness, a Collective Soul Conscious.

Adam and Eve are metaphors. Adam represents the Male humans and Eve represents the Female humans. Adam and Eve represent the Genders.

The Tree of Knowledge is a metaphor representing Angles coming and teaching the early humans the KNOWLEDGE of Light and Dark -- Good and Evil. Humans were ready for the Seeding of the info of dark and light.

Life began about 200,000 years ago. Gaia is around 4 Billion years old. So life began yesterday, planetarily speaking.

About 50,000 years ago the teachings began in Lemuria. Those who seeded us from the stars came to stay. Some say their bloodline is still among us today.

Our seeders were the Pleiadeans. They created a group of humans who lived a very long time, thousands of years. They were the mothers, they were the teachers on Lemuria.

How could any being live for thousands of years? The Pleiadeans came from a graduate planet where biology was much different. Their soul intertwined with their biology where they were almost forever in a biological form.

They would choose to come between what we call the veil.

Many looked at them like Gods. There will come a day when we are just like them. That is the PLAN.

2012 was the year the shift began. It was the year that the balance of light and dark began to change. Dark had dominated, but now it is gradually shifting the other way.

This is why the Angels are now with us, why the entire Galaxy is watching us, all this craziness occurring right now is about the shift. The dark ones are being exposed by the light and they don't like it.

Things will have to collapse so they can be rebuilt with Integrity.

Downloads of knowledge will continue to occur. People will have moments in which they instantly understand or get something they never did before. That is part of the awakening, part of the shift.

Change is happening now more than ever.

If we could have access to our cosmic akash right now we would know that we are FOREVER. We only die in our corporeal state. Our soul is forever. We would see the incarnations as one soul experience.

The Oneness of all things is within us, it belongs to us, it is us.

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