Resiliency more than just bouncing back! What about not falling in the first place?

1 year ago

Director of Psychology for the WMHI Emi Golding throws light on what is even better than common understandings of resiliency.Here she throws insight on an approach to resilience that's commonly missed. The idea of not falling in the first place. Can we achieve that?
Resilient individuals don't just bounce back but have learned to not fall down to begin with. But is that normal? not falling down? is that a unique form of mental toughness reserved for only elite mind-athletes? how can you develop that mental toughness we usually associate with highly-achieving individuals?
Resiliency is not just within the grasp of everyone but it's already an intrinsic part of what makes you human. Without it, you would not have been able to learn anything you now take for granted. Take walking for example, had you not been resilient you would not have learned to walk since learning to walk is a highly complex process characterised by a lot of falling down. Yet, here you are! a walking human being! congratulations! your resiliency helped you to do that. That resiliency is still within you. You need but to reach in and grab it. Make it your friend. Become its master.
If you would like to know how to master your innate resilience, check our course here it'll give you the mental toughness you desire.
Resilience is the ability to get back up after a setback, to handle and recover from hard times. It is a very important trait that can help us deal with life's problems and come out of them stronger. In this essay, we'll talk about why resilience is so important and why people should try to develop it.

In the first place, being resilient helps us deal with stress and uncertainty. There are ups and downs in life, and it can be hard to know how to deal with them. When things are hard, resilience gives us the strength to face these problems head-on, find solutions, and keep moving forward. It helps us keep our minds and emotions in check when bad things happen, and it keeps us focused on our goals and dreams.

Resilience is also important because it helps us build and keep strong relationships. When we're strong, we're better able to talk to other people, see things from their points of view, and work together toward common goals. Resilience also helps us deal with conflicts because it gives us the skills and tools we need to solve problems and keep good relationships.

Our physical and mental health also depend on how resilient we are. When we are strong, we are better able to deal with stress, lower our chances of getting depressed or anxious, and keep our bodies in good shape. Resilience helps us take care of ourselves, make healthy decisions, and stay away from bad habits like drug use.

Also, the key to success in both our personal and professional lives is to be tough. When we're strong, we're better able to keep going even when things don't go as planned, to stay motivated, and to keep going after our goals. This can help us reach our full potential in our personal and professional lives.

In the end, being resilient is an important trait that can help us deal with life's challenges and come out of them stronger. Whether we're dealing with stress, uncertainty, disagreements, or other problems, resilience gives us the strength to keep going. So, if you want to make your life better, you should start by getting stronger. Grow it by being aware, thinking about yourself, and taking care of yourself. The more resilient you are, the better you will be able to handle life's problems and live a happy, full life.

#resilience #mentaltoughness #nevergiveup #neversurrender

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