Episode 52: Why Would God Make Parasites?

1 year ago

With Special Guest Dr. Jeremy Blaschke, Assistant Professor of Science at Union University, Todd and Paul discuss the wonders of the parasite world. What we see as gross and disgusting are possibly beautiful from God’s point of view. Todd and Paul learn about how some creatures thought to be parasites can be beneficial to their hosts.

Special Guest
Dr. Jeremy Blaschke is an Assistant Professor of Science at Union University in Jackson, TN. He is an entomologist who studies parasitoid wasps and other parasites found in God’s creation. He has several publications and enjoys supervising undergraduate research projects.

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

Jeremy Blashke. 2022 Parasite Soup: Faith and Science in the History of Parasitology. Zygon. https://doi.org/10.1111/zygo.12770

Biography of Francesco Redi. https://www.britannica.com/science/spontaneous-generation

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