Why I Left the City

4 years ago

More and more people are deciding to leave the city. Lots of crazy things going on right now. We actually left the city a few years ago so I will provide my feedback, and show how, regardless if you have no money, are working 9-5, or running businesses, this move is very possible. You can leave the city and still operate a business or franchise, flip real estate, or if you are still working, there are now more virtual gigs than ever.

There are locations outside the cities across the US and Canada where you can buy anything, waterfront, indoor pool, giant homes for a fraction of the city. If mansions arent your thing you can buy a nice house with a mortgage around $500 a month with a small down payment. In the major cities you are paying 5 times that for rent, and a tear-down house costs you a million plus.

If you live in the city and own a home you can sell your house, buy a country mansion, with the money left over buy 6 or 7 rental properties, your done. In the city you cant retire with less than 2 million. Here is an actual listing for a rental property in the country. $29,900 with $750 a month rent being paid. In the city most young people are priced out of the market. In the country anyone can be a real estate investor. Also think long term, if more and more people leave the cities, what will happen to country real estate value?

If you want to leave the city and have no money, or you cant get a mortgage, find someone who will vendor finance, many sellers in these areas cant find buyers, if you offer a premium over their selling price, many will hold a mortgage. You can also find free mini homes being given away, just find a plot of land and plop it down. Get an at home telemarketing job, they are always looking for people.

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner you can absolutely run your businesses remotely. There is software to track everything at your fingertips. I get dressed in the morning, do all my business via webcam and phone. We do business all around the world, never leave the house.

In the city even if you make $150k to $200k your not saving anything. Mortgage, car payments, taxes, insurance rates are higher, you are completely reliant on your house equity going up forever to fund your financial growth. It wont. Also because you are so rushed you always have to eat out, which costs money. The country you have time to cook, to grow your own herbs and veg, to eat healthy. If you left the city, bought a country mansion, you can still afford a boat, a snowmobile, jetski, you could fly to Monaco twice a year and still save money over living in the city.

In the city you need to work like crazy to make money to pay for all the things you deserve.... because you worked like crazy. It's like every second needs to be scheduled, even days off or you'll miss out. It gets exhausting. In the country everything slows down. Society makes you feel like a lesser person for not working hard, not hustling like crazy, not giving 100%.

People ask "what do you do in the country" whatever you want! You can leisurely write that book, write music, learn a new language, build that blog or online business, grow berries and veg, make wine, do Yoga, fix up an old car, go hiking, buy a dirt bike, build your own rustic kitchen table, go boating, pack up and take a vacation anytime. There's a million things to do, or not to do if you don't want to. I never thought in a million years I would want to live here, but it was the best decision we ever made.

here is the single greatest thing about this lifestyle. Everybody has bad days. You wake up, and you just cant face the day. Here, you don't have to. You take the day off, you cancel a couple of calls, and chill. Now city logic will say that's selfish, get out there every day and give 200%, overcome every obstacle, smash through those barriers. Why though?

Right now there are hundreds of small towns, country locations, with cheap living, fresh air, and virtual business opportunities accessible to anybody. You just have to set the wheels in motion. If this subject is of interest we will cover it in greater detail on our other channel - link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlfXbdlKmfP8jNK4i8i9Ug

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