How Regular People Are Making Millions From This Crisis

4 years ago

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The 2020 crisis has changed the world as we know it…
Before this crisis people were physically going to work their 9-5 jobs, whether that be teaching at a school, or going to their shop to make some sales. But this crisis has shown us how virtual the world has become. We don’t have to physically go to school to teach kids face to face, we can just make a video and put it on YouTube. We don’t have to go to a shop to make sales, we just do it all online! And there are regular people out there who realise this and are making millions from it. And I’m going to drop a little secret, I am one of them…

So what I’m going to do in this video, is show you how the global crisis has changed the way people are doing business and how regular people like you and me, are making millions from this…

You see as of 2019 YouTube had over 2 billion monthly active users. Then, in 2020, the crisis happened, everyone was required to stay at home, and YouTube users shot up… Most people as you would expect are on the side of consuming content. But those that decided to become creators, ended up profiting from these increased views. Kurzgesagt – in a nutshell is getting millions more views to science and interesting topics. Meet Kevin, again hundreds of thousands of views from talking about the financial situation for Americans. Same with Andrei Jikh.

They all made the decision, that the free time that has been opened up because of the crisis, they are going to use to produce and make content and I can tell you as a Youtuber myself this is making them a lot of money…

But YouTube is not the only sector that is benefiting from this crisis, we need to talk about online shopping. And I’m not talking about the ones that are doing the shopping, I’m talking about the ones doing the selling…

Ok, you all know the situation that we’re in, people don’t want risk going to the shops, people allowed to go to shops, so what they’re doing is buying things online… This creates enormous opportunities for the ones doing the selling.

And some people think you have to be a big business to sell things online. No, any regular individual can do this. And they are doing this. I mean there are kids making millions of dollars a year, because they understand technology and they know how to sell things online. I mean one example is this kid Biaheza. He’s literally only 18 years old and he’s making 100’s of thousands of dollars a month, profit, from his shopify store.
And there are regular people all around the world doing this with amazon fba or shopify whatever it may be.

The concept is very simple. You buy products from the likes of China, or india, where things are very cheap to produce. Then you go and you sell it a wealthier country. The likes of United States, or the UK, Australia, etc. You then use a website like Amazon Fba, or Shopify to put your products on, and you’re ready to go. As I say there are kids, making millions of dollars, through this e-commerce method…

But even if you don’t consider yourself much of an entrepreneur, there are still hundreds of ways to make money online. I mean you can go on a site like upwork and whatever it is you’re into, you can find a job for that. Whether that be writing, designing, marketing, web developing, there are people that are making time income online, to do their passion…

So yes, even though we may be struggling with regards to work in our day to day jobs, I think it’s time we start being innovative. The world is clearly changing, and we can do most things online these days. There are regular people who realise this, have changed the way they do business and are making millions from it. You can do the same as well. That might not be millions to begin with, but hey who can complain who would complain about a nice side income to start with…

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