Make Millions in Real Estate Using One Unique Skill (With or Without Money)

2 years ago

Can you still make millions in real estate? Absolutely. Beginners with no money, Realtors, or property developers can use this technique to realize significant real estate profits. We've used this strategy since 2003 & it still works!
You know those ads online showing "One weird trick" to lose bellyfat or whatever? This is one weird trick to make millions in real Estate. Its a real thing Not many people do it, I have no idea why. it will work for Realtors to get higher selling prices, for people starting out with zero money, hang in there we'll show you how you can generate up to $50k per deal, starting with no money, it will work for property developers who want to sell more inventory at higher prices. I'll show you some deals we have done and how we did them, and how to get started.

So how does this work for real estate? Lets say we bought an old house in a small town in the country or found a house for no money down and we want to flip it. Its a decent house, acre of land, fruit trees, garden, quiet neighborhood. You pretty it up, paint, lighting whatever and its time to sell. If you sell the traditional way - First you go to a realtor, the realtor markets it locally, and you get an offer **based on the local market conditions. So we paid $100k for the house, sold at $150k due to improvements, paid the realtor 5% on $150,000 which is $7500. , subtract expenses $20,000 leaving about $22,500 profit. Yes I'm leaving out land transfer fees, insurance costs, that's not the point to the video. And yes houses in heated markets are a million or more, also not the point, heated markets aren't great for this strategy.

So let's look at how to make $80,000 profit on that same deal instead of only $22,500. So to get top dollar, we don't want to just sell this house, we also want to "market" the house, find our ideal buyer. And if you understand the distinction between sales and marketing you are ahead of the game. So first, question, do you think, somewhere in the world someone would pay you $200,000 for that house. Local people likely wont, they are familiar with the market conditions. Your Realtor also wont really want to show the house if you list so high because they have 10 other local choices that are cheaper.
So who would pay me $200,000 for that house. Maybe an older couple living in the big city, just retired, looking to move out to the country. We sold multiple houses this way. Peoples city house is worth 1.5m they arent going to haggle over a few thousand dollars over market, especially if they love the house. It might be someone working in tech, paying $3000 a month rent in the city, sees they can get a house for under $1000 a month with fruit trees, near a beach, clean fresh air, and they can work from home. Maybe a virtual business owner living in the city sick of the high costs and wants to slow down. To any of these people $200,000 is a great price, while local buyers will never pay that. Plus, the way we market the house, you will usually have multiple buyers so if anyone wants to haggle they lose the deal and you can tell them maybe next house. Real estate is worth whatever buyers will pay, so if you expand outside the local market you increase the perceived value of the house considerably.
So how do we do this.
1. Determine the ideal buyer for your property, and Ill give you real world examples of what we have done below.
2. Create a great listing for your property. Can be a wix site, whatever. Make it nice talk about the area, the clean air, the features of the house, neighbors whatever. Pictures, videos, make people fall in love with the house and you'll often get offers without people even visiting.
3. Advertise. Ebay, Craigslist, Kijiji, Google Ads, Facebook, there are countless ways to find buyers online and your targeting ability is incredible. You can target retired people in the city, vegans if you have a veg garden, surfers if you are near a beach, online marketing you can laser target your ideal demographic, usually for a low price per click.
4. Show the house, or just take offers. many of our properties sold sight unseen.

If you have no money or dont want to look for no money down deals or take risk, you can't legally split commissions with realtors in the USA as the industry is so regulated, but there is no law for generating leads for private home sellers, or realtors, and no cap on how much you can charge for a lead. Also you can market fractional real estate or certain investment real estate around the world. We used to market developments in Costa Rica and Belize, developers would pay us up to 10% referral fee 10% on a half million dollar condo, that's a $50,000 commission. Even if you just generate leads most will pay you 2.5-4%. Just reach out to the developers of quality projects, many of them will sign a referral agreement.
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