Psalm 133 "Behold, how good a thing it is" To the tune Eastgate. Scottish Psalter - A cappella

1 year ago

Psalm 133 "Behold, how good a thing it is"
Tune: Eastgate. Scottish Psalter
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as one-to-one correspondences.
Images: Cain & Abel (Genesis 4) - Other brothers from Genesis include: Ishmael & Isaac, Esau & Jacob, Joseph & his brothers and Manasseh & Ephraim.
The Tabernacle
The High Priest of Israel in his robes of glory and beauty. Sings Psalms has collar in place of skirts. Exodus 28 gives the important details of the garments. Exodus 29 gives the details of the anointing. Exodus 30 gives the details of the oil.
Tiberias looking towards Hermon after David Roberts. Hermon is baptised with an abundance of dew which comes down like manna from heaven. Some think Mount Hermon was the site for Jesus' transfiguration although John L. Mackay says that the site of that mountain is not clearly identified.
Aaron, Moses and Eleazar by William Brassey Hole.
This scene is from Numbers 20 and is from Mount Hor rather than Mount Hermon and there was no recorded baptism there, neither of water nor of oil. For there the judgement God commands - life that shall shortly end. Aaron and Moses were not allowed to dwell in the land of promise nor to be united in death. Moses died on Mount Nebo as judgement for his part in the united rebellion of the brothers at Meribah. A better High priest and a better mediator were required to achieve life that will never end.
Other Bible drawings by Otto Semler and others, many based on the engravings by Carolsfeld, all in the public domain.

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