Episode #5 ETN's Latte Lounge 9th June 2020

1 year ago

In Episode #5 of ETN's The Latte Lounge, Joanna does a recap on the efficacy of the pinhole glasses, showing them, which was missed from Episode #4. Joanna shares another effective and fascinating story of healing using homoeopathy, this time when she was in the Philippines.
Pat Byrne joins Joanna and shares a channelled piece of information from Mary Magdalene, a Clarion Call to humanity, from which she reads some highlights, and a full copy of the text, (around 5 A4 pages) is available on request from Pat at colretreats@gmail.com.

When Pat leaves the show, Penny Arnold joins us and shares many fascinating insights into a variety of subjects including how to protect yourself against the nano dust/particles being sprayed in the chem-trails. She has dowsed to find the efficacy of programming clear quartz crystals with the intention of unconditional love and a personal heightened realisation of deep self love, worth and respect leaves a person immune to the effects of the nano dust/particles and 5G.

She also went on to speak of the Vagus nerve, and its great importance to our well being as well as highlighting how humanity has been dumbed down and particularly the pituitary and pineal glands, which are the seat of true human awareness and spiritual power.

Joanna welcomed a surprise guest, from Lossiemouth, Scotland, David Munro for the first time, who reported on some very interesting incidents involving paranormal energies that were also what might be termed psychic attack. He also mentioned that there is an 8 mile section of the local beach that has been off limits, and shut to the public now for a long time, and should anyone dare to enjoy the beach for a walk etc,. they are soon seen off. David also reported that the locals know that there is an underground reptilian base there, that appears to be common knowledge by them for a long time.

When Joanna reconvened the show, which David was to continue participating in, he fed back that he was now unable to get back on as his email had been suspended for 30 minutes....Joanna had never heard of that, but it seems when 'that beach' is mentioned, GCHQ and its goons know about it! Or is it down to something else?

Book References - Penny mentioned:

The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote: How to shield yourself from chemtrails, 5G, EMFs and other energetic warfare through alchemical unification

Scientist William Tiller mentioned: Youtube interview

Re Penny's comment on vaccines
Article about the The Chip is at the Tip of the Needle
By Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer (New German Medicine)

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