Daily Chess play - 1393 - Getting lots of pawns promoted against me

1 year ago

First game, Really close game. Was up a Rook minus 2 pawns by move 23. His King left wide open and was able to check my way into a checkmate.

Second game, Even trades by move 25. I then blunder many pieces afterwards and he gets a pawn promoted. Checkmate soon after that.

Third game, What a mess. I take a Rook for free at h1 but give my Rook back at f8. He ends up with many pawns ahead and I resign soon after that.

Fourth game, Even game throughout but he was able to get his pass pawn promoted and game over after that.

Fifth game, Traded Queen for Rook and Knight on f2. Didn't defend very well afterwards and lost.

Getting a lot of pawns promoted against me. Just not seeing the board correctly. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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