Forget LBJ, forget CIA, forget Fidel Castro, the Mossad killed JFK - Author Martin Sandler

1 year ago

"Forget LBJ, forget CIA, forget Fidel Castro, the Mossad killed JFK" - Author Martin Sandler

Author Martin Sandler discusses letters between JFK and David Ben-Gurion on Israeli nuclear weapons, Dimona, how mossad may have assassinated JFK

How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear
Newly declassified documents reveal how David Ben-Gurion’s mumbles and a trick sightseeing tour helped Israeli officials pull the wool over Washington’s eyes on the real purpose of the Dimona reactor.

Kennedy had enough, and in a personal letter dated May 18, 1963, the president warned that unless American inspectors were allowed into Dimona (meaning the end of any military activities), Israel would find itself totally isolated. Rather than answering, Ben-Gurion abruptly resigned. Kennedy’s repeated emphasis on America’s “deep commitment to the security of Israel” was all well and good, but, as seen after Egypt’s sudden expulsion of UN peacekeepers in 1967, Israel could not depend on anyone – even the US.
Ben-Gurion’s successor, Levi Eshkol received Kennedy’s next letter, which upped the pressure, warning that the American commitment and support of Israel “could be seriously jeopardized.”
Later, after Lyndon Johnson became president following Kennedy’s assassination, the issue resurfaced, with threats of an American conventional arms embargo. But Eshkol followed Ben-Gurion’s precedent. Similarly, in 1969, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger made one more effort to force Israel to relinquish the deterrent option, and when Golda Meir refused, the US and Israel agreed to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” compromise that has served both countries well for more than 40 years.

How JFK Tried to Stop Nuclear Proliferation When a U.S. president threatened to cut support for Israel over nukes.

President Kennedy gave Israel a strong warning about its nuclear reactor in 1963
Kennedy, who was otherwise close to Israel, was furious with its ostensible nuclear weapons program.

Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.” After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy. A third likely motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy's support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser.

Israel behind JFK assassination: Vanunu
Jul 26, 2004, 00:00 AM IST
Jerusalem, July 26: In a startling accusation, nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Jerusalem was behind the assassination of US President John F.Kennedy, who was exerting pressure on the then Israeli head of
the state to shed light on the Dimona nuclear plant.

In defiance of a ban on talking to media and meeting with foreigners, Vanunu is said to have made the accusation in an interview to London-based al-Hayat newspaper.

As per the interview published in newspaper's Arabic supplement 'al-Wassat' yesterday, Vanun said according to "near-certain indications", Kennedy was assassinated due to "Pressure he exerted on then head of government, David Ben-gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor".

The Letters of John F. Kennedy, edited by Martin W. Sandler, Bloomsbury,
Yes, like everyone else alive on November 22 1963 I remember just where I was when I heard the news of JFK’s assassination

Martin Sandler
On the C-SPAN Networks:

The full interview
The Letters of John F. Kennedy
Historian Martin Sandler talked about his book, The Letters of John F. Kennedy, in which he presents a collection of President John F. Kennedy’s personal correspondences. The letters include Kennedy’s private notes and political communiques, from letters sent to his parents from boarding school to secret missives to Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev during the Cold War

Israeli security expert behind worldwide election manipulation efforts - report
Founder of #DemomamInternational #TalHanan found to head a team working to #manipulate interfere in elections on global political level

team of Israeli contractors is responsible for having manipulated more than 30 elections around the world through hacking, sabotage and
automated misinformation, The Guardian has revealed after an in-depth investigation.

In an article published early Wednesday morning, The Guardian reported that a team of Israeli operatives has been working under Israeli
security expert Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former special forces operative and CEO of Demomam International, to manipulate election outcomes in
dozens of countries over the last two decades.

Working under the codename "Team Jorge," the operatives offer their services to those looking to meddle in elections worldwide, as well as to
corporate clients, the investigation revealed.

One of the key components in the team's efforts to sway election results is social media, more specifically, Twitter.

A non-human bot by the name of @Canaelan has been found to have links to numerous fake social media profiles, all controlled by
disinformation-spreading software owned by Team Jorge and based out of Israel.

According to the investigation, the software known as Advanced Impact Media Solutions (AIMS) controls over 30,000 fake social media
profiles all of which can be used to spread disinformation or propaganda far and wide at extraordinary speed.

The expose published by The Guardian on Wednesday is the result of an undercover investigation carried out by a consortium of journalists
from 30 different media outlets, including Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El País.

During the investigation, Hanan, or "Jorge," spoke with undercover reporters from Haaretz, The Marker and Radio France, telling them
that access to the AIMS software had been sold to "unnamed intelligence agencies, political parties and corporate clients," The Guardian reported.

Hanan also told the reporters that his services had been made available to intelligence agencies worldwide, in addition to political
campaigns and private companies. The services have been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe, he added.

What is AIMS?

The sophisticated AIMS software package offered by Hanan and his team of Israeli operatives controls thousands of fake social
media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube. According to The Guardian, some of these fake avatars even own Amazon accounts, credit cards, and bitcoin wallets.

Each individual avatar is given its own unique digital backstory and is able to mimic human behavior through the use of
artificial intelligence.

But in order for bots to spread disinformation and fake news, there needs to be a news source for them to take it from.

That's why, in addition to AIMS, Team Jorge run an automated "blogger machine" system that creates websites from which the fake
social media accounts can then disperse information.

"After you’ve created credibility, what do you do? Then you can manipulate," he told the team of undercover journalists.

~ClassWar ~Antiwar ~ BDS ~ @hatethemachine

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