Qigong to Nourish & Open the Heart

2 years ago

Welcome to a special Valentines themed, heart-centred Qigong practice to help us clear blocked energy and nourish the ruler of the body.

We start with the vocalised healing sound for the heart to help connect and feel the resonance in & around the organ.

We then activate our Lao gong points (and pericardium point) in the palms and connect them, while we do a gentle warm-up called Qi Wave.

Then we try Zhan Zhuang position, Standing like a Tree which has more of a focus on nourishing and transforming heart energy at the middle Dantien.

After building our energy, we use the palms in a whole-body energy massage and try a movement from the 12 Rivers sequence called 'Wild Goose Beats its Wings' which activates the heart meridian and massages the muscles around the heart.

Then we focus on the pericardium with 'Turning and Gazing' also from 12 Rivers before trying the whispered healing sounds for the Heart and the Triple Burner designed to release stuck emotions.

I hope you enjoy it! There will be another one very soon.

Don't forget to come and say hi on Instagram @qi_and_gong & if you like, you can also buy me a coffee here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/QiGongMaggie

Thanks for watching and practising with me!

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