Feb 12 2023: Why Church? - Why We Serve; Outreach

1 year ago

Why Church: Why We Serve Others: Outreach
Pastor Matt Haflett
Ephesians 2:1-10

1. Service and Good Works do NOT bring salvation.
• We are called to like by Jesus’ example, to server others, but this does not bring us salvation.
• If we add service to the way of salvation, then we say that the blood of Jesus wasn’t enough.
• We must not measure salvation on our won works (Matt. 7:21-23)

2. Why We Serve Others.
• Our salvation comes from the grace of God, through Jesus’ blood, and our faith in Him.
• Through salvation, we are God’s workmanship, created in Jesus for a purpose.

3. How We Server as a Church. (Matt 25:34-40)
• When we serve through the outreach ministries in our church, we take these straight from the Word, we know these go right to the heart of God.
• We must leave our comfort zone to share Jesus’ salvation, as comfort is where faith can die.
• We love others because He gave us love to give.
• We seek out the lost because our good news is too good to not share.

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