1 Video. Each Day. 365 Days. Seeking Donors 4 Something Stolen From Me. Life & Love bc of Harassment

1 year ago

I often wonder what it would be like to have a house full of love, life, energy. People looking forward to brunch in the mornings, getting excited about the holidays. Or, whatever. What I know is that I was slammed, or bitch slapped, so badly by people who carried out a 'slap down' program from a mindset born in 1924, that I no longer want anyone born of that realm---- ever---- claiming control over me like so many do from that world and era.
With that said, please like share and subscribe and please let the Neanderthals among us know that they aren't in charge. Thank you!
Please donate if you can if you hear the call of the liberated class!
My Venmo is @Erin-Vans
My Paypal is paypal.me/sharonreneecole
Additional links in banner and on about page.
Thanks again 💗
p.s. whoever 'they' are, they carry within them a 'trappist' gene comprised of dark, hoarder-like homes or a need to keep those 'close' to them in a state of fear or intimidation so that those 'close' to them won't leave. Maybe you grew up with some of these folks as distant 'relatives' or neighbors. They are in the realm of human trafficking perpetrators. That's their mindset at the core even if they don't actively participate in what the world often sees as human trafficking, but it's in that group that these people thrive. They are (in a deep and hidden, not obvious way, with assets and such) parasitically living off of the life and goodness of others. Deep fear, very deep insecurities, cause their need to marry your daughters (or sons) and bear the fruit of sweetness, per se. It's----a problem----that I and a few others----were ACTUALLY---stolen from in a way that is hidden behind the cloak of paperwork. AND, it's been duly noted with the FBI and other state and federal agencies that this happened and money has actually been stolen in a big way because THEY ARE part of the HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORK and mindset. Even if they seem to have jobs (or claim to have jobs) 'protecting' adoptees and such from such activity here or from places like eastern Europe. They DO operate as human traffickers. Period.

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