Every Action Biden Takes Weakens The U.S. , 4007

1 year ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Two more unidentifiable “objects” were shot down , one yesterday, and another on Friday, over Canada and Alaska. Although Democrat icon of honesty, Chuck Schumer, was the first to insist the new objects were merely balloons, all previous reports were that they were cylindrical objects the size of a small car. According to one Air Force pilot on the scene:

“I don’t know how that thing is flying.”

This comes after the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to slowly make its way across the U.S. for nearly one week before it was shot down once its mission surveilling the nation was complete.

Former Director of Nat. Intel, John Ratcliff, appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s show last week describing some of the possible payloads of such a spyship – or aerial warship.


Here is a 2018 photo of three hypersonic missiles beneath a Chinese balloon. They could just as easily be nuclear EMP weapons.

Here is Biden trying to brush aside the threats earlier this week.

Insert to: “… the American public did.”

Of course, there is a rising chorus of Americans who do not believe there was significant election fraud riddling the 2020 election.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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