Predictive Programming: What is it reality

1 year ago

The Cabal would have you believe the nonsense that as long as they in some way signal to us, no matter how obtuse, the egregious and vile acts they intend to perpetuate on us and we do not resist then we have given them our permission, e.g. wear masks; take poisonous jabs accept digital money and identity cards and chips put in our hands etc . We have complied and therefore given our permission so we take on their bad karma. In reality a small group of ultra wealthy psychopaths' want to rule the planet. and need our help to do it. They tell us what their plans are to get us to focus on what their endgame is, they use our collective imaginative powers to create their reality. They want us to be afraid of them, by making themselves seem much more powerful than they actually are, and then get us to accept and believe that what they want to achieve is the only possibility..

Such as digital prisons, forever pandemics, endless jabs, electronic surveillance tracking devices and digital implants to buy and sell. None of this need be our reality. We have to stop co-creating their reality and envision our own. What we want for ourselves, children, grandchildren and our fellow human beings. There are so many more of us and the collective power of our co-creative ability in line with our Devine 'Creator gives us all the power we need to step out of their matrix, their stream of consciousness and start creating the beautiful life want for ourselves our families and our human brothers and sisters.

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